
Welcome to Forum2100.orgForum2100.org was co-founded in 2017 by David Gautschi, Dean Emeritus of the Fordham University Graduate School of Business, and by David Nagel, an international energy executive with 35+ years’ experience in business management, finance, and government relations.  The mission of Forum2100.org is:

To create a diverse, global community that works to transcend today’s polarized public discourse about energy sources and uses, and that endeavors to identify a portfolio of business-based innovations that solve real-world energy problems. 

Since 2017, we have had the pleasure of holding 24 Business and Energy talks – which have coverage a broad range of the global energy spectrum.  We have also provided a number of postings in the “News” section of this website.

Because of the many challenges in understanding the vast and complex global energy system, in late 2021 we developed a 15-minute audio presentation, “Global Energy in Transition”.  This video is an overview of the science, history, drivers, and potential futures of energy supply and demand.  We hope that this presentation will be helpful as people assess their choices and options regarding energy matters.  To access the presentation, click here

Please explore our website to learn more about Forum2100.org and our activities.